Our Contracted Tutors

At Valley Peer Tutoring, all of our tutors have proven their personal success in the subjects they teach. Having a student tutor offers a level of understanding and engagement that more experienced tutors can rarely compete with.

Hayden Ehler

President/Peer Tutor

Hayden specializes in mathematics, sciences, and physics.


Dasha Barach

Peer Tutor

Dasha specializes in biology and English.

Maya Paster

Peer Tutor

Maya specializes in mathematics and English.

Helen Opitz

Peer Tutor

Helen specializes in mathematics, sciences, and French.

Michelle Song

Peer Tutor

Michelle specializes in mathematics, sciences, and biology.

Contact Us

Serving the Valley from Coldbrook to Hantsport (and beyond)

+1 902 599 3857


Tutoring Hours:

Weekdays: 3:15pm – 7pm

Weekends: 12pm – 4pm

Availability is subject to change with school closures, holidays, and other unexpected events.